Maximize your Real Estate Investment with Crystal Sun

Getting the most out of an investment property means having a clear picture of the risks involved and knowing how to best navigate them. Understanding the fine print of your purchase is extremely important. Legal advice is key to avoiding additional costs, says LMR’s Crystal Sun.

“People need to understand what the possibilities are so they can assess whether these are risks they’re willing to take and so they’re prepared and have contingencies… READ MORE


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Personal Injury Practice Group

Low Murchison Radnoff LLP Lawyers and Avocats

Low, Murchison was founded in 1938

Our approach to personal injury law is driven by the core belief that everybody is entitled to fair compensation when it comes to a personal injury, such as a car accident, a slip and fall, or other serious injury or disability claims. It isn’t just about missing out on work, it’s about missing out on life. When somebody else’s negligence negatively impacts on you and your loved ones, our Ottawa based personal injury lawyers will ensure that you receive fair and timely compensation.

At Low Murchison Radnoff we have over 70 years of combined experience in Personal Injury law. Our personal injury lawyers have a wealth of trial experience and a proven record of favourable results in serious injury cases. Additionally, we practice in both English and French.

We pride ourselves on providing practical advice and giving clients the “straight goods”. Our counsel remain objective, levelheaded, and determined throughout the injury claims and litigation process to ensure that you and your loved ones are fairly compensated for your losses. We are very pragmatic in our strategy and equally aggressive in our approach when dealing with insurance companies to ensure a level playing field. We are not afraid and will go to court if necessary.

We deal with all injury claims, including:


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Disability Claims – extending your claim

You  have been off work for a period of time due to physical or psychological problems.  Your insurance company recently notified you that they intend to stop your monthly payments.  What are your options for extending your disability claim?

You have the right to dispute the decision by the insurance company and may provide your own medical reports in support of your position.  Often it will be necessary to commence a claim against the disability insurer within a certain period of time in order to preserve your legal rights.

Slips and Falls

Slips and falls are some of the leading causes of lost-time injureies.  Did you know that “In Canada over 42,000 workers get injured annually due to fall accidents. This number represents about 17% of the “time-loss injuries” that were accepted by workers’ compensation boards or commissions across Canada (based on statistics from Association of Workers’ Compensation Boards of Canada, 2011)” (Source –  Under the Ontario Occupiers’ Liability Act all property owners have a duty to regularly inspect their property to ensure that it is kept safe for the public. You are entitled to pursue a claim for your damages for pain and suffering, out-of-pocket expenses and any past or future income

Priority of insurance – Sole Proprietorships

There has been a clarification of the priority for insurance companies when having to pay accident benefits in situations where sole proprietorships enter into owner- operator agreements with transportation companies that have their own insurance policy for the fleet.  It has been concluded that in those situations, s.66(1)(a) of the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule (SABS) allows the sole proprietor of a sole proprietorship to designate an otherwise personal – use vehicle as a vehicle for regular – commercial-use. Therefore, the insurance policy of the commercial transportation company takes priority over the individual’s personal insurance policy if the sole proprietor is an occupant of a vehicle designated for regular – commercial – use involved in a motor vehicle accident. for the full article.